Individuals and stress

Stress is a problem that most of us face nowadays. "Stress" is a word we are familiar with today. As people living in society, many people face some stressful situations. Such conditions are stress. You and I, all these people face various stressful situations in this life journey. So let's see what is this stress? How does it occur? The nature of stress? Let's check how we are facing etc.

Stress can be listed as a minor mental illness under mental illness. Stress is a simple mental disorder. But in some cases, this affects the occurrence of serious mental illnesses. As suggested by Richard Lazers and Suzanne Folkman in 1984, psychological stress occurs when there is an imbalance between external resources and demands, or when external pressures exceed an individual's ability to cope. Stress is a natural human feeling. It is difficult to identify the exact cause or cause of stress. It varies from person to person. This situation mostly originates in the mind of the person. In general, if people are faced with many obstacles, bruises, disappointments, fear, emotional control, disaster, lack of understanding, etc., in their daily life, there is a possibility of mental stress.

As another form of mental stress, mental stress is caused by various life problems of the person. Problems at work, exams and relationship problems, education problems etc. are rooted in mental stress. Also, sexual abuse, harassment and harassment directly affect mental stress.

For example, if we discuss educational problems, this problem is a factor that greatly affects the stress in a person. In the face of the competitive education system in today's society, our children are often subjected to mental stress. When the competition for learning, over studying, exam phobia, extra tuition classes etc. unnecessarily torments the mind, it becomes prone to stress.

Is it possible to study before the scheduled exam date, especially in children who are appearing for the exam? Is there enough time at the time of writing the exam? Are there enough days to study? There is a situation where such matters affect anyone appearing for the exam in various ways.

But when this stressful situation is exceeded, stress is experienced. When this happens, it is difficult to remember the subject matter, forgetfulness, insomnia, hand tremors, excessive headache, sweating, fear, etc. results. Also, when they get an unexpected result in the exam results, there is a possibility that some people may become depressed and even commit suicide. Also, the school teacher gives a lot of work to the young children who are going to school, especially the children who are studying in grades 1, 2, 3. Even when the child comes home after school, there is no rest. Children are psychologically distressed when parents forcibly take them to extra tuition classes. Children don't even have time to play freely these days. Also, winning and losing in matches, even in situations where it is not possible to bear it, young children suffer mental breakdowns. Due to these conditions, the tendency of young children to suffer from mental stress has grown rapidly.

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To explain with another example, the breakdown of love relationships is another point of stress. Many young people in today's society suffer psychologically due to the breakdown of love relationships, leaving their boyfriend or girlfriend, death of a boyfriend or girlfriend, etc.

When he can't bear to leave his boyfriend or girlfriend, he acts to tempt her into various wrongdoings. Not eating, being angry with everyone, not talking, being tempted to harm one's body, being addicted to alcohol and drugs, when such situations are at their peak, one is also tempted to commit suicide.

Leaving or losing a loved one is the same for everyone. can't take While the amount of tolerance varies from person to person, it also varies from person to person. Also, the amount of mental stress in married life is very high.

Changes or changes in husband or wife, extramarital affairs, drug addiction of spouse, separation from children, bereavement, financial problems etc. are influenced by stress. We see and hear a lot of these things today. Therefore, it is clear that the majority of the current society is suffering from mental stress at an increased rate.

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And for another group, their place of work causes stress. Stress from the boss is overworked, overworked, underpaid, conflicted with others, unappreciated, and unrecognized.

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And social factors also greatly affect the individual's mental stress. Environmental factors such as poverty, questionable neighbors and lack of living space in the city, religiosity, excessive noise etc. are also psychologically affecting.

Also, if a person takes medication for a long-term illness, problems such as unemployment, loneliness, lack of rest, etc. also cause mental stress. And drug addiction also causes mental stress. If he uses drugs and alcohol for a long time, his mind may become distorted. At such times, the mind goes from stress to depression. Others suffer from other mental illnesses due to the use of alcohol. 

In this way, there are diseases caused by long-term mental stress. that is,

  •  high blood pressure
  •  Paralysis
  •  Diabetes
  •  heart disease
  • Gastritis
  •  depression
  •  Abnormal fear 
  • Decreased immunity can be indicated

The above mentioned points imply that we living in the society are suffering from some kind of mental stress. If that is the case, the question must be raised, how can we get rid of mental stress? When stress is not properly managed, not only the mind but also the body becomes sick. If so,

  • Exercising
  •  doing yoga
  •  Focusing on music and aesthetics
  • Raising pets
  •  Spending time with the natural environment
  •  Writing poetry or writing a book Reading Using a diary
  •  Talking frequently with one's best friend
  •  Dress nicely
  •  Meditation to relax the mind Practicing religious rituals
  •  Bringing things closer to life that you think are good for you 

etc. You can control your stress by following these strategies. You can always have a good time.