Why is cholesterol high?


Why is cholesterol high?

Cholesterol is a type of fat in the body. This is essential for the body . Cholesterol is the basic ingredient for the production of vitamin D in the skin, nerve tissue, and some hormones.

Cholesterol is produced only in animals. 80% of the cholesterol in our body is produced in the liver and only 20% comes from the food we eat. Therefore, food control alone is not enough to reduce cholesterol . An active lifestyle is necessary to reduce cholesterol .

How should you know your cholesterol level?

Everyone 30 years of age or older should have their blood cholesterol levels checked at least once every 3 years. The recommended test for that is called a lipid profile. The blood sample for this test should be taken after 12-14 hours of fasting.

Cholesterol test
Names are the sections contained in a Lipid Profile report obtained during a routine test
  • Total Cholesterol
  • HDL - good cholesterol
  • LDL - bad cholesterol
  • Triglycrides - fatty acids

  • LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
  • LDL carries oil from the liver to other organs and deposits it. LDL cholesterol is the primary cause of obesity, heart disease, and other diseases .

  • HDL cholesterol is called good cholesterol. It brings oil from other organs to the liver. It reduces the accumulation of oil in the body.

What are the possible diseases caused by cholesterol?

Cholesterol builds up in the walls of blood vessels over time. After such deposition, the blood vessel wall at that place becomes weak and the blood flow is blocked. Depending on the organ where the blocked blood vessel is located, various diseases occur.

  • If an artery in the heart is blocked, a heart attack occurs.
  • Paralysis if a blood vessel in the brain is blocked (stroke, Stork)
  • If the blood vessels in the legs are blocked, pain in the muscles when walking (Intermittent Claudication) or fingers may rot. (Gngrene).
  • If the blood vessels to the kidneys become blocked, the kidneys can become weak

Why is cholesterol not a problem

High levels of LDL are the main of cholesterol deposits . but ,
  • Diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • smoking
  • Little exercise
  • Genetic conditions directly affect cholesterol deposition.

What is the normal amount of cholesterol a person should have ?
When blood cholesterol is reduced, the deposition of blood vessels is also reduced. So the lower the cholesterol, the better. The optimal for a healthy young person is

  • LDL< 130 mg/dL
  • HDL > 45 mg/dL
  • Triglycerides < 150 mg/dL
  • Total cholesterol < 230 mg/dL

For the elderly and those who do not exercise enough or have other medical conditions, doctors advise to maintain cholesterol goals lower than the above values . Therefore, cholesterol reports should not be self- medicated

How to reduce cholesterol roll?

Cholesterol can be reduced to some extent 
by avoiding high cholesterol foods and exercising . But medication is often required . One of the most important things that exercise does is reduce cholesterol deposition.

How long should cholesterol medication be taken?

Medicines only reduce the production of cholesterol. Keeping cholesterol levels low is a long-term thing, so the medicine should be taken for a long time.

Can cholesterol damage the liver or kidneys?

It is a false illusion . If medicine is not taken, the condition can lead to death. It is ridiculous to fear side effects more than death

Foods high in bad cholesterol

Fried food

Fried foods 
are often high in both saturated and 
trans Examples of fried foods are french fries , fried chicken, and donuts. Instead of frying your foods, try baking or grilling This will help you reduce the amount of unhealthy and make your diet healthier .

Processed meat

Processed meats such as bacon, sausage and ham are often high in saturated fat and sodium, both of which contribute to high cholesterol levels. Instead of eating processed meat, try to include lean proteins in your diet, such as poultry, fish and legumes .

High-fat dairy products

Dairy products such as cheese, heavy cream , and butter are high in saturated fat, which can raise LDL cholesterol levels. Instead of consuming high-fat dairy products, try to include low-fat or fat-free dairy products in your diet. That is, things like skimmed milk or low-fat yogurt.

Baked foods

Baked foods like cookies, pastries, and cakes are often loaded with both saturated and trans Instead of these baked goods, try making healthy using alternative ingredients like whole wheat flour, fruit juices and natural sweeteners.

fast food

Fast food is often high in saturated and trans fats, as well as sodium, which can contribute to high cholesterol levels . So instead, try building your healthy meal with something like a simple protein .

red meat

Red meats, such as beef and lamb, are often high in saturated fat, which can raise LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, red meat is often cooked at high temperatures, which can produce harmful compounds that can contribute to heart disease. Instead of eating red meat, try incorporating simple proteins


Try to use oils rich in unsaturated fats like virgin coconut oil, virgin olive oil when cooking.

Egg yolk

Although the egg yolk contains high cholesterol, the enzymes and proteins present in it reduce the harmfulness. Therefore it is suitable to use.

Snack foods

Snacks like chips and popcorn are often high in saturated and trans Instead of eating these unhealthy foods, try incorporating healthy like fresh fruits, vegetables or nuts into your diet.

Sugary drinks

Sugary drinks like soda and fruit juice are often high in sugar and calories, which contribute to weight gain and high cholesterol levels. Instead of sugary drinks, try drinking water, unsweetened tea or fruit juice to quench your thirst.

  • How to lower your cholesterol level?
  • Minimize consumption of foods high in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol.
  • Eat more foods rich in soluble fibers.
  • Increase the amount of physical activity .
  • If you are overweight, lose weight.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Use cholesterol-lowering medications as directed by your doctor .
  • Diet to change to get rid of cholesterol

Saturated fat❌❌🚫🚫
Saturated fat is abundant in animal foods such as fatty cuts of meat, meat with skin, whole-fat dairy products, and vegetable oils such as coconut oil and palm oil.

Trans fat🚫🚫❌❌
Trans fat , like saturated fat, raises blood cholesterol levels. Trans fat is most commonly found in hydrogenated Processed food, short eats, instant food, certain meats, margarine, dairy products, biscuits, cakes, buns, bread, other bakery products, and hydrogenated Foods fried in oil are high in trans

Unsaturated fat✅✅
This is a healthy type of fat. Unsaturated fat is mainly of two parts. That is, as mono-unsaturated fat (Mono-unsaturated fat) and poly-unsaturated fat (Poly-unsaturated fat). These help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Unsaturated fats are abundant in foods such as olive oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, peanut oil, peanuts, cashews, corn, soybeans, avocados, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and fatty fish.

Soluble fiber✅✅
Soluble fiber is abundant in vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains , and foods made from such grains Soluble fiber reduces the body's absorption of dietary cholesterol and lowers LDL levels in the blood.

stanols and sterols✅✅
Abundant in vegetables and fruits. These reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol and lower LDL levels in the blood.

Why is physical activity important?

Regular physical activity is important for weight control and lowering LDL levels in the blood. It increases HDL levels in the blood and lowers triglyceride At least 30 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, of moderate - intensity physical activity such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, gardening, etc. is
Why is it important to maintain a healthy ?
Being overweight or obese increases your blood triglyceride Your body mass index (Body mass index or BMI) should be maintained between 18.5 and 24.9.

What are the treatments for cholesterol ?

Do not use Cholesterol tablets without a doctor's Unnecessary doses of Ravan are harmful to the liver.
Exercise , an active