Many people have focused on the viral eye infection that is spreading especially among school children these days.
Viral conjunctivitis, caused by a virus, is commonly known as "eye disease" and "eye pain". The outermost membranous layer of the white part of the eye that we can see is inflamed It usually affects one eye first and then spreads to the other eye.
As you already know, this disease is spread by directly touching the eyes with the infected tears and respiratory secretions of an infected person , or by touching the eyes with dirty hands by touching a surface with droplets from an infected person.
Commonly known as "white squint", redness, swelling, excessive tearing of the eye, feeling like something foreign is in the eye, discharge of pus or eyelids discharge Scabs are a common symptom of this type of infection. People who wear contact lenses may find it difficult to use them.
Some people may experience respiratory symptoms such as colds .
If a child has these symptoms, the first advice to be given is to avoid touching and squeezing the eyes. It is also very important to clean your hands frequently by rubbing them with soap for more than twenty seconds or using an antiseptic solution .
Avoiding school and staying at home as much as possible from the time symptoms appear until you are fully recovered is a great help in preventing the spread of the disease.
It is also important to seek medical advice / treatment as per the need as these symptoms may occur due to various other reasons .
In order to prevent the infection of the disease, children should be directed to clean themselves regularly as explained above, to maintain physical distance with those who have symptoms, and to avoid sharing any equipment such as pens and pencils. Disinfecting commonly/frequently used surfaces using disinfectant liquid, as was done during the last Covid epidemic, also helps limit the spread of the disease.
Although this infection is a disease that can be cured without any side effects for many people, we request you parents/adults to take immediate action by paying close attention to the complications that may arise and the disruptions that may occur to the students' education due to its rapid spread. We hope that your children will be referred.